Accounting:  Introduction

  1. Nature of Business & Accounting
    1. Types of Businesses (video):  Service, Merchandising, and Manufacturing
    2. Types of Accounting (video) and The Accounting Career Ladder (.pdf)
    3. Role of Accounting in Business:  The difference between financial and managerial accounting
    4. Role of Ethics in Business:  Enron Scandal (video):  Case Study -- Enron (.pdf)
  2. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(video) (GAAP) and Newsletter (.pdf)
  3. The Accounting Equation (video) & Newsletter (.pdf)
  4. Business Transactions & the Accounting Equation (video)
  5. Financial Statements and Newsletter (.pdf)
  6. Financial Analysis & Interpretation:  Ratio of Liabilities to Owner's Equity (video)

Student Resources:  Unit 1

  1. Terms
  2. Flashcards
  3. Summary (downloadable, printable, .pdf)
  4. Interactive Quiz
  5. Classification of Accounts (downloadable, printable, .pdf)

Content  | Accounting Resources

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